
This project was started as an internal project @ Prestatech to parse PDF files in a fast and memory efficient way to overcome the difficulties we were having while parsing big PDF files using libraries such as pdfquery.

hotpdf can be used to find and extract text from PDFs.


The latest version of hotpdf can be installed directly from PYPI with pip.

pip install hotpdf

Local Setup

First install the dependencies required by hotpdf

python3 -m pip install -e .


You should install the pre-commit hooks with pre-commit install. This will run the linter, mypy, and a subset of the tests on every commit.

For more examples of how to run the full test suite, please refer to the CI workflow.

We strive to keep the test coverage at 100%: if you want your contributions accepted, please write tests for them :D

Some examples of running tests locally:

python3 -m pip install -e '.[testing]'               # install extra deps for testing
python3 -m pytest -n=auto test/                      # run the test suite
# run tests with coverage
python3 -m pytest --cov-fail-under=96 -n=auto --cov=hotpdf --cov-report term-missing

Known Issues

  1. (cid:x) characters in text - Some pdfs when extracted, some symbols like might not be properly decoded, and instead be extracted as (cid:128).

    This is a problem with the pdfminer.six library. We have fixed it from our side on our fork <>, and you can install it using pip. Until we are able to merge it to pdfminer.six repo and it gets released, we recommend that you install our fork with the fixes manually.

    pip install --no-cache-dir git+


We use sphinx for generating our docs and host them on readthedocs.

Please update and add documentation if required, with your contributions.

Update the .rst files, rebuild them, and commit them along with your PRs.

cd docs
make clean
make html

This will generate the necessary documentation files. Once merged to main the docs will be updated automatically.


To view detailed usage information, please navigate to Usage and User Guide


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.

— with ❤️ from the team @ Prestatech GmbH